martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

so came on!

listen the sound of the image
from far away...instruments and history
they are mixted in my bones
the forest is place for resonances and the moon ıs every where
during the day
smiles and chats with the earth
you are my friend
you never will be alone again so...
came on!

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

my friend, the time

km in front of me

to right, to left, to stright but more than others

to high

it was this day when the sun doesn`t set

every one knows this day because of that but

ıt was not important for me

other things happend....

Actually İ`m not worry at all about that

of course the sun sometime have to decıded for himseelf when and how

When and how? was the question...

they ask İf it was about the know what İ mean

but know body listen me because it was so important for them

maybe nowbody listen me because İ didn`t spoked

maybe it was my fault

but this is not important for me

Step by step the way was less and less

there was right, left, up and down...

but İ couldn `t go back

and İ stop in the way and İ realise that İ was where İ wanted

and it was the longest moment in my live

the eternal second

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008


is not because of me, is not because of because something else
İ don t know you, you don t know me ... because we nether know ourselves
but there is a way to found
the way of train, the action way
making mould in resin of your bones is my way to know my
let me see your tooths and maybe İ will undestand way you bite me again

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008

one day I will know way


contrast or balance?

there was the Ecuator...the door of the middle of the things
the space in the silence doesn´t exist
sometimes a just wont to be the other
like now
far away from all of you and seeing the belt wich conect our lives from far away
seeing it like a present
to be open when ever or never
the trip is also there in the other side
far away for others
but I know that everything is waiting for me.

A friend of mine yesterday ask me about the contrast

I just answer,

but I don´t know what I said

there was the Artic....the door in the middle of the things
the space in the silence doesn´t exist...but I sometime I just wont to be the other..
like I was
one night with you seeing the light wich conect our instint
near our meat and our breath
seeing it like a present
to be open when ever or never
the door is close in the other side
beside you
but I know that everything is waiting for me